Home > TOSSH > TOSSH_code > signature_functions > sig_x_Q_duration.m



sig_x_Q_duration calculates various kinds of flow durations.


function [x_Q_duration, error_flag, error_str] = sig_x_Q_duration(Q, t, type, varargin)


sig_x_Q_duration calculates various kinds of flow durations.
   Calculates various kinds of flow durations, e.g. no flow duration, 
   high flow duration. Typical metrics can be chosen from a standard list
   (no, high, low), or created manually (e.g. 0.5*median(Q)).

   Q: streamflow [mm/timestep]
   t: time [Matlab datetime]
   type: type of flow duration (no, high, low, custom_high, custom_low)
   threshold: flow threshold above (below) flow duration is calculated 
       (e.g. 9*median(Q) for high) [mm/timestep]

   x_Q_dur: x flow duration [timestep]
   error_flag: 0 (no error), 1 (warning), 2 (error in data check), 3
       (error in signature calculation)
   error_str: string contraining error description

   % load example data 
   data = load('example/example_data/33029_daily.mat'); 
   Q = data.Q; 
   t = data.t;
   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'no');
   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'high');
   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'low');
   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'custom_high','threshold',9*median(Q,'omitnan'));

   Addor, N., Nearing, G., Prieto, C., Newman, A.J., Le Vine, N. and  
   Clark, M.P., 2018. A ranking of hydrological signatures based on their 
   predictability in space. Water Resources Research, 54(11), pp.8792-8812.

   Copyright (C) 2020
   This software is distributed under the GNU Public License Version 3.
   See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html> for details.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x_Q_duration, error_flag, error_str] = sig_x_Q_duration(Q, t, type, varargin)
0002 %sig_x_Q_duration calculates various kinds of flow durations.
0003 %   Calculates various kinds of flow durations, e.g. no flow duration,
0004 %   high flow duration. Typical metrics can be chosen from a standard list
0005 %   (no, high, low), or created manually (e.g. 0.5*median(Q)).
0006 %
0007 %   INPUT
0008 %   Q: streamflow [mm/timestep]
0009 %   t: time [Matlab datetime]
0010 %   type: type of flow duration (no, high, low, custom_high, custom_low)
0011 %   OPTIONAL
0012 %   threshold: flow threshold above (below) flow duration is calculated
0013 %       (e.g. 9*median(Q) for high) [mm/timestep]
0014 %
0015 %   OUTPUT
0016 %   x_Q_dur: x flow duration [timestep]
0017 %   error_flag: 0 (no error), 1 (warning), 2 (error in data check), 3
0018 %       (error in signature calculation)
0019 %   error_str: string contraining error description
0020 %
0021 %   EXAMPLE
0022 %   % load example data
0023 %   data = load('example/example_data/33029_daily.mat');
0024 %   Q = data.Q;
0025 %   t = data.t;
0026 %   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'no');
0027 %   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'high');
0028 %   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'low');
0029 %   x_Q_dur = sig_x_Q_dur(Q,t,'custom_high','threshold',9*median(Q,'omitnan'));
0030 %
0031 %   References
0032 %   Addor, N., Nearing, G., Prieto, C., Newman, A.J., Le Vine, N. and
0033 %   Clark, M.P., 2018. A ranking of hydrological signatures based on their
0034 %   predictability in space. Water Resources Research, 54(11), pp.8792-8812.
0035 %
0036 %   Copyright (C) 2020
0037 %   This software is distributed under the GNU Public License Version 3.
0038 %   See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html> for details.
0040 % check input parameters
0041 if nargin < 3
0042     error('Not enough input arguments.')
0043 end
0045 ip = inputParser;
0046 ip.CaseSensitive = true;
0048 % required input arguments
0049 % time series have to be numeric and either a (n,1) or a (1,n) vector
0050 addRequired(ip, 'Q', @(Q) isnumeric(Q) && (size(Q,1)==1 || size(Q,2)==1)) 
0051 % date time series has to be numeric or datetime and either a (n,1) or a (1,n) vector
0052 addRequired(ip, 't', @(t) (isnumeric(t) || isdatetime(t)) && (size(t,1)==1 || size(t,2)==1)) 
0053 % type has to be char and only one word
0054 addRequired(ip, 'type', @(type) ischar(type) && size(type,1)==1)
0056 % optional input arguments
0057 addParameter(ip, 'threshold', [], @isnumeric) % flow threshold
0059 parse(ip, Q, t, type, varargin{:})
0060 threshold = ip.Results.threshold;
0062 % data checks
0063 [error_flag, error_str, timestep, t] = util_DataCheck(Q, t);
0064 if error_flag == 2
0065     x_Q_duration = NaN;
0066     return
0067 end
0069 % calculate signature
0070 switch type
0072     case 'no'
0073         no_Q = Q==0;         
0074         % find consecutive timesteps with no flows
0075         start1 = strfind([0,no_Q'],[0 1]);
0076         end1 = strfind([no_Q',0],[1 0]);
0077         interval_lengths = end1 - start1 + 1;
0079     case 'high'        
0080         Q_high = 9*median(Q,'omitnan');
0081         high_Q = Q>Q_high;
0082         % find consecutive timesteps with high flows
0083         start1 = strfind([0,high_Q'],[0 1]);
0084         end1 = strfind([high_Q',0],[1 0]);
0085         interval_lengths = end1 - start1 + 1;
0087     case 'low'
0088         Q_low = 0.2*mean(Q,'omitnan');
0089         low_Q = Q<Q_low; 
0090         % find consecutive timesteps with low flows
0091         start1 = strfind([0,low_Q'],[0 1]);
0092         end1 = strfind([low_Q',0],[1 0]);
0093         interval_lengths = end1 - start1 + 1;
0095     case 'custom_high'
0096         if isempty(threshold) || numel(threshold) > 1
0097             error('No/wrong custom threshold specified.')
0098         end
0099         custom_Q = Q>threshold; 
0100         % find consecutive timesteps above x flows
0101         start1 = strfind([0,custom_Q'],[0 1]);
0102         end1 = strfind([custom_Q',0],[1 0]);
0103         interval_lengths = end1 - start1 + 1;
0105     case 'custom_low'
0106         if isempty(threshold) || numel(threshold) > 1
0107             error('No/wrong custom threshold specified.')
0108         end
0109         custom_Q = Q<threshold; 
0110         % find consecutive timesteps below x flows
0111         start1 = strfind([0,custom_Q'],[0 1]);
0112         end1 = strfind([custom_Q',0],[1 0]);
0113         interval_lengths = end1 - start1 + 1;
0115     otherwise
0116         error('Incorrect flow duration type specified.')
0117 end
0119 if isempty(interval_lengths)
0120     x_Q_duration = 0;
0121 else
0122     x_Q_duration = mean(interval_lengths);
0123 end
0125 end

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